Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Fare thee well tropics

Well, we left Broome after getting the car serviced and a new oil diff (I don't know what that is but ours was burnt out). The muffler is fucked but who cares really.

We drove to 80 mile beach, a wind swept shell covered beach where clouds roll in like trains. We stayed for 2 nights and watched sea turtles come to shore to lay eggs. When we left we entered the roads that had been closed due to the cyclone but they had cleared enough for us to drive over. We stayed at a flooded rest area.

The next night we reached cape range national park NINGALLO REEF. We stayed for 3 nights at the reef (camped 500m from offshore snorkling on the fringing reef) and saw rays, sharks, turtles, parrot fish and a shit load of corral.

We left and drove down to coral bay which is a seaside resort at the base of the reef. We stayed here for 2 nights, one night on an abandoned farm station and the other in a car park next to the "no camping" sign. We had a 6er and a pizza to celebrate 2 months on the road as the sun went down.

Today we went for a morning snorkle (fucking freezing) and left the tropics and are in the town of canarvon doing laundry and other uninteresting tasks. We head to Shark bay to swim with sharks and then to some national parks before going to Perth.

Its fucking freezing and its only 25 degrees.
The west coast is very windy.



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