Saturday, November 08, 2008

End of First Limahuli week - reflections

Well another week of the internship up, less than 3 weeks to go. An interesting week to say the least.

Cruised on Saturday with Ray Ray and Keya up to the North Shore and met Keyas friend Kenally who took us to some beaches. Spent Sat and Sun getting settled at the new house and laying low.

Monday to Thursday we worked in the lower Limahuli Preserve, a huge native forest preserve on the North Shore. We weeded and planted and tarped undergrowth and cleared an infested river. I got a small spider bite and then after swimming in the river developed a boil. It got big and I treated it with Hawaiian Medicine and Belauan medicine and me and Ray Ray drained in last night. Under severe pressure from one of my bosses she took me to the clinic today and the doctor said it looked good, because we had done such a good job of draining it, it did not need to be lanced. I asked if it would heal on its own, with out server antibiotics and she said it could, but I should get on them anyway to be sure. Even better, its a whoppingly huge dose because it is an antibiotic resistant strain because of our society already overusing anti-biotics. The boss paid for the script and the visit. $140 for nothing I didn't already know. The boss then said I should start taking the antibiotics, which I reluctantly did and now feel drained and weird about putting clindamycin into my body. The web says it can causes nausea, vomiting, metallic tastes, the runs, jaundice. I should have waited till Monday to start the course, because my body was dealing with the infection by itself. I feel really pressured into not being able to make autonomous discussions about my body and health. What I needed was not a clinic and a script but more rest, fresh fruits and vegetables, a swim in the ocean and lots of rest. No healling like that in the modern world I guess.

In other news there was the American Election. The mainlanders went to a weird shitty sports bar and ate nachos and drank beers. The bar tender was a republican, I ate beer battered artichokes and had a beer (not so good for the leg). We should have gone to the Tiki bar, I'm sure the bartender there would have been happier. I am pleased with the result, mainly becuase McCain was so pro nuclear. I think obama offers hope and inspiriation to millions but am cynical enough to believe that the powers that be, the bankers and the lobby groups and the energy companies et al will not cede the reigns of power so easily. The bailout was a total neocon pillage of the US treasury, being given money for fucking up. If that had happened in a country in Africa or South East Asia there would be furor about corruption and acountability but no, we in the west are doing it and its normal practice to keep things running smoothly. Good thing we paid those taxes. Obama is inheriting a pretty fucked up country and I don't think that the peopel will rise to the challenge. I might be wrong and I hope I am but I don't think people will make or accept the changes required of them to survive.

I got accepted to an organic farm on the big island. we start on the 29th and it does aquaculture and organics and is a peace center too. more on that to come.

I've been cooking bitching soups and eatting coconuts. Nothing better.
Stay well, I have a relaxed weekend of waterfalls and coconuts and healling my leg. stay well, enjoy the springtime.


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